Learn Some Prominent Principles of Software Testing

Software testing is not like physics or chemistry where a fix concept works every time. In this part, system is entirely different, here test cases or way of testing changes with application every time. We have tested more than 500 different applications and we will share some concepts that must be taken care. If you are beginner and looking to learn basics of software testing then this article can really help you.

  • Is defect always in the software program: software program is all about functionalities that are written through different codes. Any code can be good or bad it all depends, what you are trying to do. Suppose you have created a software program and there is not any defect present but functionality is not proper then what is advantage of testing?
  • Wrong inputs being put while testing: we have seen numerous software programs that are hundred percent error free but that is because of improper testing. Wrong data being put while testing.
  • Testing from beginning: if you opt for testing at very late stage then it can cost you very high and things can become complicated. We would suggest that you should check errors right at the requirement stage.
  • Context is important: testing is a complicated process where you need to relate things at fine level. Selection of tools and complete environment is totally up to tester. A software being positive through one tool may or may not be positive in all circumstances.

Testing principles are not all about learning because implementation is the main aspect. Which software testing tool to be used and how to be used is completely dependent on tester.

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