Testers Hub Services

Functional Testing

With our functional testing services, rest assured of the effective functioning of your digital products, mobile apps, software, and web applications. From internal functional to UI/UX, and performance test to smoke test, we have got you covered.

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Why Functionality Test is Must for Apps?

Functional testing is all about checking the eventual result for a given input. Every application is developed to perform any pre-decided function so it is extremely important to get functional QA done. In our functional testing services:

How Testers HUB conducts Functionality Test?

The functional testing services by Testers HUB have multiple steps inscribed in them. These steps depend on testers as well as applications. Complex apps require complicated test procedures too. The following steps are followed by Testers HUB:

Collection of Requirements
As QA starts for mobile apps or web based apps, our team checks structure of app, goals and deliverables for project.
Exploratory Testing
After collection of requirement and before creation of test cases, this type of testing is done. Tester randomly tests various components of application to understand which type of test cases to be written. It may or may not be based on scripts.
Manual & Automation QA
Testing team decides which tool will be used in the process, for many apps only manual testing is enough.
Regression Testing
This ensures that fixes of testing do not adversely affect functionality or any other aspect of application.

Above written ways are generic and used by almost all testers

The above ways are although common, below are some of the steps that are unique to our functional testing services:

Prioritized Testing
This decides the order in which defects should be addressed. This way adverse effect of regression testing can be tackled.
Business Flow Matrix
After collection of requirement and before creation of test cases, this type of testing is done. Tester randomly tests various components of application to understand which type of test cases to be written. It may or may not be based on scripts.
Risk Based Testing
every business should be ready to deal with various aspects that can lead to failure.
Complete Testing Coverage
Functional testing has wide range coverage from internal function check to UI/UX of application. From performance test to smoke test, many types of QA come in function check.

What are Advantages of Functional Testing?

Smooth Functioning
It ensures of application which is extremely important for better user’s experience
Function Monitoring
Dependency of various functions on each other is also monitored
Impact on Other
If new functions get added then how it impacts other functions of application
Track Behavior
It helps in tracking behavior of application in case of various types of inputs

Which are Top 3 Tools for Functional Testing?

Here is the list of tools that are used globally for mobile and web based application:


It supports various languages namely Java, C#, Groovy, Perl etc. For web based apps, Selenium is widely used.

UFT from HP

Unified functional testing was formerly known as QTP. Tool is perfect for functional as well as regression testing. Visual Basic and Java Script are used in this tool. Smart object recognition is the best feature.

Katalon Studio

This automation testing tool works equally well for web as well as mobile apps. It supports both SOAP and Rest.

Why Functional Testing is Integral Part of the Software Testing?

Functional testing can also be covered under independent software testing services , as the independent organization or team can perform functional testing to verify that the software application or system is functioning correctly and is meeting its functional requirements. Additionally, independent software testing can also include other types of testing, such as performance testing, security testing, and usability testing, to provide a comprehensive evaluation of the software application or system.

There are Various Scopes for which Functionality Testing should be Performed

Integration Testing
Here testing is performed when we integrate various small modules into one. Individual modules can work fine but they should remain intact in terms of functionality after amalgamation
Module Testing
Here module’s individual performance being checked and monitored. It is considered as the basic step because finally this one propagates to the combined amalgamation and final software
System Testing
Software’s compatibility with system is also important

Why Testers HUB for Functional Testing?

Working & reporting are two important parts of the functional testing services
We prepare report that will include everything whatever you will be looking for? Detailed error report along with status of errors will be provided by our experts.
Frequent Services
This is also one of the reasons why we have been a pioneer name in this sector. Once we get order from client, instantly we prepare a team of executives and manager, which starts work.
Regression Testing
Regression testing is considered as an integral part of the functional testing. With bug fixes, there is always possibility that new bugs can come in the picture.
Continuous QA Support
We provide continuous and ongoing QA support for future release cycles. We have the best infrastructure and the latest hardware support.

Make your software ready to perform
The Best in Performance

Get functional testing service done by pioneer testing company now.

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