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The Tricks and Techniques of the Art of Bug Reporting in Game Testing

A crucial stage in the creation of any game is game testing. It guarantees a flawless user experience and a finished product devoid of errors. Reporting bugs is one of the most important abilities in game testing. Bugs may be efficiently found and documented to save developers a great deal of time and effort, resulting in a well-developed end product. Here are some pointers and strategies for becoming an expert in game testing bug reporting, specifically for general and mobile game testing services.

Tips and Tricks for Bug Reporting in Mobile Game Testing

For the purpose of guaranteeing a top-notch gaming experience, game testers must possess the ability to effectively report bugs. Bug reports that are comprehensive and detailed aid developers in promptly identifying and resolving problems. Here are some pointers and strategies for becoming an expert at reporting bugs in games, particularly when it comes to general and mobile game testing services.

Bug ID and title

The first step in effectively reporting bugs is to create a clear and descriptive title for your report. The problem should be briefly summarized in the title so that developers may quickly comprehend the main issue. Use a title that is more precise, such as “Character Stuck in Wall in Level 3,” rather than something ambiguous like “Problem in Level 3.”


Reproduce the Bug

Make sure a bug can be replicated before reporting it. It is essential that the problem be consistently reproduced since in order to address it, developers must see the issue for themselves. Try to find any common situations that can cause an intermittent bug to arise, and include that information in your report.


Steps to Reproduce a Bug

Clearly stating the methods to replicate the bug is crucial. A detailed account of all the steps that resulted in the bug should be included in this section. Detailed instructions make it easier for developers to reproduce the problem. For instance, precisely detail the steps taken if a character becomes stuck in a wall.



Include comprehensive details about the environment the bug was identified in when reporting it. This covers the operating system (e.g., Windows 10, iOS 14), the platform (PC, console, mobile), the game version, and hardware details like the device model, GPU, and RAM. Since bugs are frequently set up-specific, environmental data are quite important.


Expected Result

Indicate exactly what would happen in a perfect world where the bug didn’t exist. This aids creators in comprehending what the game’s typical conduct needs to be. An explicit expectation such as “The character should move freely along the wall without getting stuck” can be used to compare the actual outcome.


Actual Result

Explain the real outcome when the bug arises. This should reveal the nature of the problem and contrast with the anticipated outcome. Using the earlier example once more, you may write, “The character becomes stuck in the wall and is unable to move.”


Provide Screenshots or Videos

Visual proof is very helpful when reporting bugs. Including videos or photos can make it easier for engineers to understand the problem quickly without having to read through long descriptions. Resolution times can be sped up by making sure that films properly demonstrate the bug and the procedures that led to it, or by emphasizing the problematic location in screenshots.


Bug Severity

Prioritizing fixes is aided by classifying the severity of the defect. Major, minor, trivial, and critical are examples of common categories. By specifying its severity, developers can better understand how a defect will affect gameplay and user experience. For example, a little graphical error might be classified as trivial, but a fault that crashes the game would be regarded as significant.


mobile game testing services


Test Different Scenarios

Make sure to test the issue in several settings to guarantee thorough bug reporting. This could entail experimenting with various game modes, stages, or in-game activities. Developers can benefit greatly from knowing whether the bug is limited to a certain scenario or happens under different circumstances.


Test Using Various User Accounts

Bugs can occasionally be unique to particular user identities or accounts. Testing across several accounts can assist in determining whether the problem is specific to one account or more general. This is especially crucial for games that have intricate user settings and data.


Use a Tool for Tracking Bugs

Using bug-tracking software such as Trello, Bugzilla, or JIRA can greatly expedite the problem reporting process. These tools facilitate the management and organization of problem reports, facilitating communication and issue tracking between developers and testers. They also ensure all pertinent data is included and avoid producing duplicate reports.


Avoid Duplicates

Make sure a new bug has been reported before filing a new one. Use the search feature in your bug tracking program to make sure you’re not submitting a duplicate report that has already been documented. Duplicate reports can be a waste of time and resources.


Provide Feedback

Remain in contact with the development team after reporting a bug. When the fixes are put into place, be ready to confirm them and offer more details if required. Feedback that is provided on a regular basis guarantees that the issue is fully investigated and fixed.



In order to disclose bugs in game testing effectively, one must combine strict attention to detail with unambiguous communication. You may greatly improve the calibre of your bug reports and expedite the development process by heeding these helpful hints and techniques.

Comprehensive game testing services, including mobile game testing services, are our area of expertise at Testers HUB. Our knowledgeable staff is committed to making sure your game runs smoothly and offers the best possible user experience. For more information about our game testing services and how we can help you take your game to the next level, get in touch with us right now.

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