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What is Manual Testing and its Goal?

As clear by name, this is a process of testing where things are carried out manually without help of any automation tool. Hundred percent automation is never possible for any software so manual testing is still prevalent. This can be considered as the most primitive option among all available option of software testing.

In most of the cases, application is first checked manually and then automation testing is brought in the scene. Even if you do not have knowledge of programming, manual testing can be still carried out. When software quality assurance was in the beginning phase, it was totally manual because tools were not available 25-30 years ago.

Goal of Manual Testing:

Testing is carried out so that it should be ensured that software application is working as per the requirements that are established by the client. It has been seen that coverage often becomes an issue when we write test cases. Enough brainstorming should be done for the test case because if anything left then it will affect entire campaign for the software testing.

Goal and process of testing is quite clear. Functionality of the product and environment in which it is going to be operated matters a lot. If you are looking to understand fine aspects of software testing then keep reading our blogs.

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