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Difference between Manual and Automation Testing

Both types of testing have their own pros and cons but this thing should be always remembered that both are integral part of the services for quality assurance of any software product. In this article, we will check numerous aspects that are important for both types of software testing methods.

Definition: Automation testing is done through automation tools for execution of the test cases while manual testing is totally different and run by human.

Processing time: Automation is very fast when we compare it with the manual style of software testing.

Exploratory testing: random testing is not allowed in the automation while manual testing can be started from anywhere in between of the process.

Initial investment: Initial preparation for the test cases and scripts take plenty of time while manual process can be little lesser time consuming.

Reliability: Accuracy wouldn’t be an issue with automation tools while same is issue with the manual style of testing.

Test after modification: automation testing is little sensitive when we consider changes. If you add even a button in the application, complete change in the script would be needed. Manual testing remains unaffected because of slight changes in application.

Cost effectiveness: if you check on short term then manual testing is cost effective while in long run automation is cost effective.

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